A subtle invite

Before i sleep, i do the curtains on my windowsTo have enough darkness To rest my eyes and browsYet i make sure, the curtains leave A little place for the moonlight to cleaveSo that when moon light gives way To the light which originally it does obeyIt enters my half darkened room without being shyAnd [...]

Absorption, assimilation, rejection and fasting

It is very interesting to see how nature gives us all the hints and cues for the spiritual path. We eat things, and a part of it gets assimilated in the body, becomes energy, and a part of it is rejected, eliminated. And then we all also know the importance of empty space, fasting, which [...]

Wound and salt

The same salt water pains and hurts the wounded tooth, but does nothing to the other healthy teeth. Have you wondered? So when it hurts me, when the warm salt water touches my bad tooth, shall i blame the salt water? Or shall i say - thank you, for letting me know that one of [...]

Remembrance/Sumiran – antidote to forgetfulness

काह भरोसा देह का, बिनसी जाय छिन मांहि।सांस सांस सुमिरन करो, और जतन कछु नाहिं॥ This body that you have got, is fragile, is impermanent, we don't know how long we have in the body, The only effort required of you is to remember at every breath. ---- कबीर सुमिरन सार है, और सकल जंजाल।आदि [...]

मन तू समझ के लाद लदनियापीना हो तो इहां पीले, आगे देस निपनिया।

_This marvelous silence manifests Thee despite the mad human agitation- the immutable and constant silence so living in all things that one has but to listen to hear it, in contrast, with all that is futile noise, vain agitation, useless dispersion of energies. Let it flower in our being as a source of light and [...]

मन को मृतक जान कर, मत कीजे विश्वाससाधू तब तक भय करे, जब तक पिंजर में सांस।

Shantideva , in Bodhicharyavatara says to the ego - A hundred harms you have done me, Wandering in cycles of existence,Now your malice I remember, And will crush your selfish schemes. –That time when you could beat me down, Is in the past, it is no more here..Now I see you, Where will you escape?I [...]

माला फेरत जुग भया, मिटा न मन का फेरकर का मनका छाड़ कर मन का मनका फेर।

माला फेरत जुग भया, मिटा न मन का फेरकर का मनका छाड़ कर मन का मनका फेर।--Kabir ji is saying, you did your rounds of beads, mala, manka, japa, and so many rounds you did. Yet, the clinginess of the mind, the vicious running of your own mind into fixated loops, fixated people, fixated opinions, [...]

Mind training

Lord Atisha gave 3 pith instructions for training the mind: 1. Examine the mind constantly 2. Tame the mind with mindfulness and alertness 3. By constantly doing so, generate Bodhichitta in the mind stream. ---_In short, wherever I am, whatever I do__To be continually mindful and alert__Asking- "what is the state of my mind?"__And accomplishing [...]

दौड़त दौड़त दौड़िया, जहां लग मन की दौड़,दौड़ थके, मन स्थिर भया, तो वस्तु ठौर की ठौर।

_...in any case, the point is not to try to get rid of thoughts, but rather to see their true nature. Thoughts will run us around in circles if we buy into them, but really they are like dream images. They are like an illusion - not really all that solid. They are, as we [...]

The mala of breath

*माला है निज स्वास की, और फेरेगा कोई दास,**चौरासी भर में नहीं, फिर मिटे काल की फांस।*(संत कबीर)__Kaal is time. Also called as death. Or impermanence. Time is past, future, happenings. We are always thinking about past, repeatedly, we are always thinking of present happenings - regurgitations, and always worried or concerned of future happenings. [...]

Leave your homeland

_Attached to your loved ones, you are stirred up like water,__Hating your enemies, you burn like fire,__In the darkness of confusion, you forget what to adopt and discard,__Give up your homeland._ _This is the practice of Bodhisattvas_-----_कबीरा खड़ा बाजार में, लिए लुकाठी हाथ जो घर फूंके आपनौ, चले हमारे साथ।_Kabir stands in the middle of [...]

सुखिया सब संसार है, खाए अरु सोवै।दुखिया दास कबीर है, जागै अरु रोवै॥

*सुखिया सब संसार है, खाए अरु सोवै।**दुखिया दास कबीर है, जागै अरु रोवै॥*The whole of humanity is indulged in consuming and sleeping (we consume our thoughts, our beliefs, opinions, feelings, emotions, sense perceptions - this is our feed)While, being awake, Kabir, feels the pain in compassion of all of us kings, living like empty beggars._______What [...]

Eight worldly concerns – poles of duality

_चलती चक्की देख के दिया कबीरा रोए।__दुई पाटन के बीच में साबुत बचा न कोई।।_Kabir ji drops tears of compassion, when he looks at the wheel of a mill running, the two pieces of heavy stones (of duality), in the middle of which whoever comes, gets crushed.We as human beings, are getting crushed all the [...]


All my thoughts, my reasonings, my conclusions, Are absolutely hollow. They are like empty bags full of air, they just burst anytime... I cannot lay myself on them, I cannot trust them, And hence, I stop defending my stance, I stop arguing about my wishes and wants. I know I should not defend them, I [...]

I now rest

I now rest.  Having ran much, Trying to walk together But failing always.  I now rest.  Knowing that we can walk alone, That we don't have to be together, Just because we are alive.  I now rest.  Knowing that you will be happy wherever you will be, It doesn't matter really if I too am a [...]


We are all priests.. of our temples, at times known, at times in oblivion. We are the ones, responsible to keep the inner temples clean, pure, immaculate, neat, sorted, organised, sacred. So that we can invoke the Divine Presence there. But the task is not easy, it is a challenging one... For we don't usually [...]

She told me..

She told me she likes to be with pain,  It keeps her collected, in-gathered, a bit lost.. It keeps her soft, gentle, kind,  It keeps her molten.. She told me, she is not waiting for the pain to go,  She didn’t invite it either.. It just is.  Like I am.  She told me,  Its nice [...]

What do we desire for?

We seek a gratification through our desires. A kind of fulfilment, a kind of loss of this sense of separate self, even if for a moment. A kind of self-forgetfulness, even for a moment. It is another thing that once I am with the object of desire, even then, my hunger, my thirst seems unquenchable. [...]

सुख में सुमिरन न किया , बस दुःख में किया जो याद , कहत कबीर ता दास की , कौन सुने फ़रियाद !

सुख में सुमिरन न किया , बस दुःख में किया जो याद , कहत कबीर ता दास की , कौन सुने फ़रियाद ! What do we mean by this couplet by Kabir ji? If you do not have a remembrance of your Truth in seeming okay/seeming pleasurable/ neutral times, then when the suffering strikes, who [...]

जिन खोजा तिन पाइया, गहरे पानी पैठ, मैं बपुरा बूडन डरा, रहा किनारे बैठ

A few people standing next to the ocean. They see one or two people diving deep and surfing, and plunged deep in the waters.. person 1 to person 2 - (looking at the ocean) - have you been there? how does it feel? person 2 - It was horrible for the first time I was [...]

Hammering the nail

Many times, pain in our lives becomes unbearable. All of us want ease and sanity, but at times it is not possible, owing to the overwhelming effect of thoughts and emotions. And then, something beautiful can happen...... Just like the pain a nail receives on its head through the hammer, it allows the nail to [...]

Microbe and host body

Louis Pasteur (Microbiologist) insisted all his life that the virulence (infection causing capacity) of a micro-organism (a germ) decided the course of illness. Claude Barnard (Pasteur's contemporary Physiologist) said that the vulnerability of host body (the person attacked by germ) was more responsible. And on his death bed, Pasteur said - Barnard was right. Microbe [...]

This is our chance

This life, this birth, is our chance. I may have attachments, I may have ill will, hate, jealousy, anger, resentments, blame, repulsion, revenge....etc towards a few in my life. This is my chance, to work with all that raw material and transcend, and to go beyond all these affairs. I may continue to churn myself [...]

Thriving grounds for ego

Ego is the helper. Ego is the bar. On the path of life, slowly first a healthy Ego has to be developed, and then it has to be offered up, given up, surrendered to the Divine. Ego is a transitional personality, a mask, needed as long as the true individuality does not shine forth, or [...]

I rise..

I have fallen too low, too little I had become.. Too limited, narrow and constricted, That made me suffer, go through hell. But that is not my Reality, no thats not all. The little little experiences of life, don't define me, I stand up, dust my pants, Rise. I rise, newly born. I don't let [...]

Play dead

Drink the poison life gives you, Drink it, keep it in the throat. Complain not. Keep the Lord in your heart. Complain not. All seeming atrocities life gives you, Take them with head bowed down, With open hands, Complain not. & Whenever you are ready, And have reacted enough no. Of times, Exploded enough no.of [...]

Heaven and Hell

I have been to hell. Yes. I think I now can say that I have tasted Hell. Dark, chaotic, painful, full of misery and suffering. Yes, I have tasted that. It seems familiar. But that's not all of it. There is light too. At each step of the ladder to hell, there is light. It [...]

You choose..

One day, those who you trusted the most, will mock at you, laugh at you, will tell you .. "you are imperfect, you are ugly, unworthy of grace. How dare you touch something pious, sacred, beautiful and worthy?" They will tell you, directly or indirectly, And say "you are not worthy of grace, you are [...]

Chhoooo-mantar !!!

Something was on her mind, A bit on her heart.. Things unresolved, can make any one fart. That dard of the heart went into her head, Caused a creepy crawly migraine there.. Hmm... What to do? She wondered, had no clue! She pushed herself out of the head, and a bit out of the bed. [...]