Direct path to the Divine

There are some things in our lives where we can pull our hands out, once we see that it is becoming a source of unease & pain… We can choose, not to indulge or get involved in those things, people, situations..

And then, there are those situations in our lives, where we cannot pull ourselves out. No matter how hard it may be to be in that situation… We see that we will have to face it, go through it, rather than go around it…

Most often, it is these second type of situations, where one can say, one is ‘nailed’, that they become our direct path (a straight cut) to the Divine.


Because to go through that situation, we crave for such a strength which is more than human, we crave for such an equanimity, which is not yet seen in our limited life, and such amount of tenderness & compassion, which our limited self is incapable of.

And in order to reach that space, our limited self aspires, it reaches out to something Higher, mightier than its littleness, and it invokes that Higher.

And always, there is a response from above. The more my aspiration takes a purer form, and wants nothing but benefit of all involved, wants nothing but a greater light & love to descend, – the response comes from above..

And purification happens ..

Such purification which one cannot get from favourable situations in life. Such purification which requires one to go through the burning fires of purification … And then through such situations one is one step closer to the Divine, in thoughts, feelings, words, and actions..

3 thoughts on “Direct path to the Divine

  1. very true. Its been my experience too. while facing the fire, pain, I was miserable and realised its beyond my control and strength and left all to Divine The fire subsided and slowly I realise I have become more calmer and more receptive to Divine. It is a feeling I cannot describe in words but thank God and His hammer has sculpted a better me.


  2. Inspiring and very true…real learning and connect with Divinity is experienced in difficult situations with self surrender….


  3. I am able to resonate with it. In these situations, I turn toward the divine for higher values like stability, peace, strength and presence ..


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